Short and Sweet

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I remember reading a BBC article a year or so ago (sorry, tried to find it again but couldn’t) explaining that there is scientific evidence that the expansion of the universe and therefore, time itself, is speeding up. Certainly feels that way – or maybe it’s just as I age!

Either way, there never seems to be enough time. I’m continuously choosing what is most important (thank you to my mindfulness practice, but my hubby would say I don’t always get that right 😉 and prioritizing the necessities of family life. I know I’m not alone.

I subscribe to an online Shamanic newsletter called, The Power Path, and each month depending on what the planets are up to, there is a focus. For this month of February 2015, it is to stay out of impatience and martyrdom. So, when I’ve been feeling overwhelmed, and frustrated, and earnestly wishing for more hours in the day; I remind myself of the following two things:

“There is always enough time for everything”

“Everything happens in the right time”

Ahhhh…immediately I relax and trust. The essence of practice.

I hope you find these mantras helpful, too.


Elissa xx

Mantras displayed on our blackboard wall in the kitchen (Abbey's artistry below)

Mantras displayed on our blackboard wall in the kitchen (Abbey’s artistry below)



  1. Shelley LeBlanc  February 15, 2015

    As usual your timing is impeccable! I have been on a rant for the last week; what a martyr I have the nerve to be: “I am so busy and so tired why do I have to do everything!”. I really needed to read your words of wisdom, it instantly makes me let go of the pressure I am constantly putting myself under and see what is around me.

    Thank you for your postings I look forward to reading them, Love Shelley hugsxx

    • Elissa  March 4, 2015

      Hi Shelley! It makes me so happy to know you are finding the posts helpful and that they are timely – I trust in divine timing more and more! “Everything happens in the right time” 😉 Stay well xx


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